
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas Day

Christmas Day
By Max H year 4 31/12/2019

On Wednesday it was Christmas day, so I went to Peppers the cafe with my two cousons, my two Nana’s, my Auntie and Uncle, my two Grandad’s and my Mum and Sister. My Dad didn’t go because he had to work at the fire station.

When we arrived at Peppers all of our family met up together, then we went inside and looked at the christmas day menu, I really liked the sound of eggs benedict so I orded that. It was very yummy. Then we orded a humongous platter we couldn’t eat all of it so we gave it to poor people that didn’t have any food to eat for christmas day. 

After we fed the poor people we went to the fire station to see my Dad because he couldn’t come for christmas. At the fire station my Dad had a christmas present suprise for my Mum, it was a Weber BBQ.

Then we went home, when we arrived at home we had to wait for about 2 and a half hours for our family to come so that we can open presents together. 

When they arrived at our house we opened up our presents.
This is a list of what I got for Xmas,
1.   Chromebook.
2.   Chess.
3.   Tic Tac Toe.
4.   Checkers.
5.   A Ninjago Lego set.
6.   Headphones for my Chromebook.
7.   A packet of felts.
8.   A lego car.
9.   A game player thing.
10. Phlat Ball.
Then the whole family had a platter together. 

I really enjoyed Christmas day.

By Max H age 8

Monday, December 16, 2019

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Monday, December 9, 2019

Caitlins swimming suprise

Caitlins swimming suprise.
I hope you enjoy my post.

My pick up rubbish game

We were learning about making Scratch games.I found it easy to upload my image.I found it hard to code my game at the start.I really enjoyed coding my game at the end.Next time I need to add more codes onto my game.
The right arrow is to make the boy with the dark brown hair turn around.The left arrow is to make the boy with dark brown hair turn around the other way.If you want to make the boy with the brown hair turn around the left way you can press any button.

Thing's I am grateful for...

Thing’s I’m Grateful For…

Max age 8 9/12/2019
What I am grateful for this year.

This year I am grateful to my mum and my teacher, Mrs Hannah.

I am grateful for my mum because she helped me make kawkawa balm.

I am grateful for my dad because he helps me to ride my motorbike.

I am grateful for Mrs Hannah, my teacher because she helps me with my Chromebook.

At home I am grateful for my room because I have a radio that my dad got me.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dem Bones

ST Mary's challenged our class to label our Dem Bones posters, here is my one. I hope you like it.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

My made up Halloween Story

Jake and I challenged our selfs to make up our own halloween story heres my one I hope you like it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


By Simone Kaho
Ancestors are people that look out for us in the sky.

The Story: Once upon a story there were two boys going camping with there Dad. One night they heard some drumming from along way away. Someone had past away. Then they went into there sleeping bags and went to sleep. The next morning one of the boys needed to go to the toilet. But he didn't want to go because he thought there might be ghoast's out there. So he asked his brother if he would go with him but, his brother said know! way!. after that we finally went to the toilet on his own. after camping  the two brothers said thank you to there Dad, but there Dad said Thank the Ancestors.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dance Party Hui Kanikani

My Speech

My Speech Courage and bravery, 2019
My name is Max and I am 8 years old. I go to Makaraka School. My speech is about courage
and bravery. Courage and bravery means trying something new. When I think about courage and bravery I think of words like heroic, bold and daring.

If you want to be brave you need Kia Kaha, Kia kaha is a Makaraka school value. At my school being brave mean`s being bold in making learning choices. Kia kaha is asking for help when you need it. Being brave and having courage is sometimes taking a step forward, even when taking that step can be scary. Kia Kaha mean`s taking risks.

An example of me having courage and showing bravery is when I crashed into the side of my house on my motorbike, but I got back up again, and continued to ride my motorbike around my house again. Being brave sometimes means knowing that when you fail, you don't fail forever.

My topic for this speech is about flying from Gisborne to Wellington for the first time on my own. When I flew to Wellington for the first time I demonstrated both courage and bravery because it can be a little bit scary to be on a plane all by myself. On the plane I got to hand out the lollies. I sat by the window in the plane all by myself.

You can't always be strong, but you can always be brave.  Courage and bravery means it is ok to be scared, and if things appear scary, it may be a good thing to face those fears by trying something new. Bravery can mean having the courage to follow your heart.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Tanemahuta Planting Trees At Tarere Marae

On Wednesday last week our class went to Tarere Marae to plant trees. We went there because it is our school thing. 

First we got there in cars, we got there in Mrs Hannah`s, Lisa`s, Meg`s, Mel`s, Katie`s and Quintina`s cars. We got there in cars so that the parents could help us with the planting. Mrs Hannah took her husband's truck so that she could take all of the trees to the Marae.

Then we helped Katie to unpack. We were unpacking gloves, spades and the BBQ. We also helped everyone taking the plants out of Mrs Hannah`s truck. There were different types of trees that we had.

After that we pulled out the weeds from the garden with the gloves and spades. We had to pull the trees out by the roots so that the whole plant came out. Jake and I were looking for some weeds to pull out, then we saw a big hill filled with weeds and plants looking like Shout About trees. Once we started pulling out the weeds we saw Marcus then he wanted to help us and we said yes. Marcus got a spade and helped pulling out the weeds. Then Jake and I both got a spade so that we could help Marcus to pull out the weeds. After a bit we found a slide inside of what we were digging. Then we told everyone what we found, then they went down the slide everyone was muddy after.  After that Marcus, Jake and I kept on digging the whole. Marcus was using his spade as a pick-axe. After about 10 mins we finished digging out the whole hill filled with weeds. Everyone was clapping at the end because we finally finished.

In the end I was sweating from digging out all of the weeds. We also helped everyone packing. We were packing the spades and gloves away. I was very tired at the end from doing all that work, it was very hard pulling all the weeds out. I got a sausage sizzle in the end I also got a lollipop. I got grape.

The end By Max H age 8 Makaraka School

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Thursday, August 29, 2019

My Titanic Animation

This is my Titanic Animation I hope you enjoy it.

My Pop Song Basics

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Animation

We have been learning how to create animations.
I enjoyed moving the pictures around.
I found it hard to click on the page and then do Ctrl D.
Next time I would make up my own story.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cross Country

Makaraka School Cross Country

On Wednesday I went on the bus to the cross country at Sam's farm. First we had to walk our track of where we were going to run. When I finished walking the race Mr Milne called out the year 0`s and 1`s then they had to walk to the starting line. When Mr Milne blew his whistle they ran. Then we watched their race, Jake G`s brother Charlie came in 1st place. After that Mr Milne called out the year 2`s then they walked to the starting line and we watched their race.

After that Mr Milne called out the year 3`s and that was my race when I walked to the starting line, I felt nervous. When I got there we did exercising for the race. Once we did exercising Mr Milne blew the whistle and I ran. First I ran over the hay bales and on the second hay bale I face planted. Then I followed the orange cones around the little hill. Then I went up the steep bit of the big hill. Then I ran 10 metres straight ahead. Then I followed the red cones up the rest of the big hill then I ran into a ditch. Then I ran down the hill and over the pond. Then finally I saw the finish line and sprinted through it and I came in fourth place. My thighs were sore after doing the whole race because it was very hard. My heart was beating very hard at the end.

In the end I got two sausage sizzles. Finally the bus arrived and  took us back to our school.

By Max H age 8 Makaraka School

Monday, August 5, 2019

Avatar to get help

We were learning about what to do if we need help when we see something online that makes us feel uncomfortable. We made an avatar and sent it to our teacher asking for help.

I enjoyed choosing the photos.

It was challenging for me because it was hard to choose a picture.

Next time if I see something bad on google I will screenshot it and send it to my teacher.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How To Set Up A Worm Farm

This is my Worm Farm instructions. Remember to feed your worms cut up food scraps.

Curling Sport

For reading we read Unusual Sports. It is a PM Level 27. I chose to write about Curling. Did you know that curling sport is from Canada?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

In The Holidays

Welcome to Term 3! Our class spent time sharing our holiday stories during circle time. This is my holiday experience that I wanted to share. I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Galaxy Art

I liked using the dye and salt to create my galaxy design.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Oil Spills

We were thinking about how to look after the Earth so I made a poster about Oil Spills. I got a bronze in the science fair for this.

Monday, June 17, 2019

About Me

My name is Max H I go to Makaraka school. I am eight years old. I like talking Italian. My favourite colour's is green and blue.

I am looking forward to the science fair this year. My challenge is reading because I’m on a high level and it’s a bit harder than I’m used to.

I like camping. I like learning about waka, how they are made, what different types are used for, and how early Maori navigated using the stars. I really like maths. I have a motorbike 50cc. I also like my chromebook, using google slides and docs and google drawing, my drive and l also like typing on my chromebook.