
Thursday, August 29, 2019

My Titanic Animation

This is my Titanic Animation I hope you enjoy it.

My Pop Song Basics

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Animation

We have been learning how to create animations.
I enjoyed moving the pictures around.
I found it hard to click on the page and then do Ctrl D.
Next time I would make up my own story.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cross Country

Makaraka School Cross Country

On Wednesday I went on the bus to the cross country at Sam's farm. First we had to walk our track of where we were going to run. When I finished walking the race Mr Milne called out the year 0`s and 1`s then they had to walk to the starting line. When Mr Milne blew his whistle they ran. Then we watched their race, Jake G`s brother Charlie came in 1st place. After that Mr Milne called out the year 2`s then they walked to the starting line and we watched their race.

After that Mr Milne called out the year 3`s and that was my race when I walked to the starting line, I felt nervous. When I got there we did exercising for the race. Once we did exercising Mr Milne blew the whistle and I ran. First I ran over the hay bales and on the second hay bale I face planted. Then I followed the orange cones around the little hill. Then I went up the steep bit of the big hill. Then I ran 10 metres straight ahead. Then I followed the red cones up the rest of the big hill then I ran into a ditch. Then I ran down the hill and over the pond. Then finally I saw the finish line and sprinted through it and I came in fourth place. My thighs were sore after doing the whole race because it was very hard. My heart was beating very hard at the end.

In the end I got two sausage sizzles. Finally the bus arrived and  took us back to our school.

By Max H age 8 Makaraka School

Monday, August 5, 2019

Avatar to get help

We were learning about what to do if we need help when we see something online that makes us feel uncomfortable. We made an avatar and sent it to our teacher asking for help.

I enjoyed choosing the photos.

It was challenging for me because it was hard to choose a picture.

Next time if I see something bad on google I will screenshot it and send it to my teacher.